First attempt at trying to play
the harp at the age of 17 at Oundle school.
Chamber music at Oundle school
with a little more assurance
The harp I bought for 50 shillings
and restored. Rehearsal with the National Youth Orchestra
at the age of 19
The National Youth Orchestra
c.19 years old.
My wonderful first teacher Frances
Callow who had studied in Paris with Henriette Renié
The student orchestra of Great
Britain with Sir Malcolm Sargent conducting - Britten's
young Person's Guide to the Orchestra at the Royal
Festival hall c.1957
David with his teacher Solange
Renié - niece of Henriette Renié.
Israel Competition 1962, playing
in the second round - Fauré Impromptu.
Pierre Jamet and Jacqueline Borot
at the 1962 Israel competition.
Uncle Harry, (Harry Brown) who
paid for much of my studies in Paris and introduced
me to the visual arts as well. I have an enormous
feeling of gratitude for what he did.
Playing duets with Uncle Harry,
(Harry Brown)
Uncle Harry, (Harry Brown)
Uncle Harry with the composer
and painter Peter Mieg at Lenzburg in Switzerland.
Turning pages for the harpsichordist
of the ensemble ArsRediviva at the Brown House in
30 years later giving a recital
in the same gallery.
Notice photos in the cabinet:
Dinu Lipatti, Clara Haskill, Fernand Caratgé,
Harry Brown & myself !! Notice the magnificent
Monet on the right.
In front of my favourite Cezanne
In the entrance hall waiting
to play.
With the composer Elizabeth Poston
outside Rook's Nest House (Howards End).
Rehearsal for Elizabeth Poston's "English
Day Book" written for the Farnham Girls choir
and David Watkins.
Discussing a musical point with
(Sir) Colin Davis during a recording of the "Trojans" by
Berlioz and with the Royal Opera House Orchestra,
Covent Garden.
Photo from Music Herald Magazine
of six harps. Members of the orchestra said "David's
at stud again".
Had a great friendship with Zoltan
Kodaly and his young wife Sarolta. He introduced
me to George Solti and the R.O.H. Orchestra.
Forty years later after my recital
in Budapest with Sarolta Kodaly.
What a moving experience that
Teaching publicity for Boosey
and Hawkes and the Aoyama lever harp.
A line up of well known judges
for the harp competition in the Isle of Man. Rodney
Slatford and David Dunn in the background. Natalia
Shameyeva, Karl Patras, Evelyn Barbarolli, Susanna
Mildonian, Francis Pierre, Emmy Hürlimann, Mario
Falcao, David Watkins
The London Early Music Group
Alan Lumsden, Oliver Brookes, David Watkins, Paul
Elliot, James Tyler
Stokowski conducting when I was
a soloist in Paufnik's Universal Prayer.
With Sidonie and Marie Goossens.