Part 1 of 2. These two CDs contain songs and arias which embrace all aspects of love - or even the lack of it, as in Byron’s chill words ‘To the Moon’ (An den mond) and set for harp accompaniment by Schumann. RRP £12.00
Available on line from Creighton's Collection and most other good harps stores
Sleeve Notes Henry Purcell 1659-1695 Purcell was one of the greatest composers of the Baroque period and one of the greatest of all English composers. Much of his theatre music consists of songs and instrumental pieces for spoken plays, but during the last five years of his life Purcell collaborated on five ‘semi-operas’ in which the music has a large share, with ‘divertissements’, songs, choral numbers and dances. Music For Awhile (from Oedipus) Music for awhile shall all your cares beguile. I attempt from Love’s Sickness to Fly in Vain from The Indian Queen – a ‘semiopera’ written by John Dryden and Sir Robert Howard. Dido’s Lament from Purcell’s only true opera, ‘Dido & Aeneas’ which was written for and premièred at Mr Josiah Priest’s Boarding School for Girls, Chelsea, London in 1689. This aria makes a huge emotional impact like Wagner’s Liebestod from Tristan and Isolde. Johann Sebastian Bach 1685-1750 Bach’s solo violin works, forever fascinating, present musical and technical challenges for the violinist. This largo’s beautiful melodic line is harmonised with simple ‘doublestopping’ and the energetic Allegro, although, written on one line, subtly hints at counterpoint and contrasting rhythms. Allesandro Stradella 1644-1682 Pieta Signore Have mercy on me Lord and do not judge me too harshly or condemn me to the everlasting flame. There is now much speculation that this, Stradella’s most famous aria could not have been written by Stradella and was more likely to have been composed by Fétis, Niedermeyer or Rossini! In this aria, Michael Bochmann plays a viola. Giovanni Pergolesi 1710-1736 Se tu m’ami (text by Paolo Antonio Rolli 1687-1765) Current thinking is that this song was actually composed by Alessandro Parisotti 1853-1913, and passed off as a song by Pergolesi! If you love me, if you
sigh Giovanni Paisiello 1741-1816 Nel cor non mi più sento (text by Giuseppi Palomba 1769-1825) No longer do I feel You sting me, you poke
me, Pity, pity, have pity O
del mio dolce ardor (Christoph von Gluck
1714-1787) O you, the object of my
sweet ardour, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 1756-1791 Als
Luise die Briefe ihres ungetreuen Liebhabers
verbrannte... Created in the flames of passion, I give you back to the flames, for you were not written for me alone. You burn now and soon there will be nothing left of you. But oh, the man who wrote to you will burn for a long time in me. Abendempfindung Feelings at evening (Joachim Heinr : Campe) An
Chloë (To
Chloë) (J.G. Jacobi) Antonio Vivaldi 1676-1741 Sonata in C for violin and harp Originally written as a trio for violin, lute and bass, I transcribed it for violin and harp when I was a student in Paris. There are three movements, Allegro Non Molto, Larghetto and Allegro. The sonata is typical of Vivaldi’s style. Astringent and rhythmic fast movements frame a slow movement of haunting beauty. Georg Friederich Handel 1685-1759 Ombra
mai fu The Largo from the opera Xerxes.
A love song, sung by the main character to the
tree under which he sits, enjoying its shade. O Had I Jubal’s Lyre from the oratorio Joshua which was composed between 19 July and 19 August in 1747, and first performed in March 1748. It was Handel’s fourth collaboration with the librettist Thomas Morell. Lascia ch’io pianga from Rinaldo. Rinaldo was the first opera Handel produced for London and the first Italian opera composed specifically for the London stage. It was first performed in Her Majesty’s Theatre in Haymarket on 24th February 1711. Leave me to weep over my cruel fate And leave me to long for liberty.In this aria, Michael Bochmann plays a viola. Tu del ciel ministro eletto from II Trionfo del Tempo (The Triumph of Time). This oratorio was written in 1707 when Handel was only twentytwo years old. It is a spectacular combination of poetry and virtuosity and deserves to be better known. In this, the final aria the violin obbligato was written especially for the great violinist Corelli. Interestingly, the sarabande aria for the character Pleasure in this work, (‘Lascia la spina’) which is based on an earlier piece by Handel, later became the famous aria Lascia chi’io pianga from Rinaldo included on this CD. You, the high minister
of Heaven, shall see no more in my heart a faithless
wish or empty craving. Notes by Jane Leslie MacKenzie and David Watkins
Credits The harp accompaniments have been arranged and edited by David Watkins, who also wrote violin parts for the songs and arias Recorded
in St. Mary's Parish Church, Chipping Norton, November
2007 & February 2008 ©2008 MacKenzie, Bochmann & Watkin